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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I am nominated!

Hello readers! Yes I am finally back from vacation and it was a great weekend getaway for Justin and I! It was a vacation that was desperately needed but I sure am glad to be back at home with my Maddie Bug, getting back into the swing of school, and blogging of course! 

So I came home to a treat. I was nominated for a Liebster award! What is this award you may ask? Well it's an award to highlight brand spanking new bloggers with less than 200 readers. It is a great way for new bloggers such as myself to discover new blogs and gain some traffic Nikki from GirlWifeMom nominated me for the award! So here are the rules for this award...

  1. Link back to those who nominate you
  2. Answer the 10 questions the nominator has for you
  3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees
  5. Be sure to notify your nominees
So thank you Nikki!! And here are my questions that she gave me to answer!

1. If you could marry anyone in Hollywood who would it be?
Hmmm tricky! There are many beautiful men I would love to marry. At this point of time, I would either pick Liam Hemsworth (apparently he's having cold feet about his marriage after the Miley disaster at the VMAs) or Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy AND the newly casted Christian Grey from 50 shades of Grey!!

2. Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog as an outlet for me to lay out the different happenings in my life. I wanted to write down my feelings of parenthood, being in a relationship, starting school, and trying to become a "decent housewife". I basically wanted an online journal and I am so glad people are choosing to follow along :)

3. Who do you usually go to for advice?
When it comes to school or financial matters, my dad is the best of the best. I can ask him anything and he knows the best decision that will benefit me the most. He really does have my best interests at heart. When it comes to relationship and life, I would pick my best friend Hanna! 

4. If you could compete in any Olympic event, what would it be and why?
This is going to be the most clique answer but it would be Gymnastics. If I could do all those flips and acrobatics, I would definitely go and show off my talents! Also I wouldn't mind skiing! I used to go ski in Colorado every spring break and it was the funnest thing I had ever done!

5. If you could live in any country, which would you pick?
Great Britain without a doubt. I want to talk like them, ride those buses, experience rainy days (which are scarce right now here in Texas), and have my daughter meet the new prince somehow...

6. What is one of your biggest regrets in life?
I'm pretty sure I have answered this question before but I wish I would have been more serious about my education my freshman year of college because I am definitely paying for it now!

7. Are there any blogs that truly inspire you?
One of my favorites is Megan from In This Wonderful Life She has an angel baby up in heaven and an adorable set of twins! She is a role model of strength and courage and she is so nice!

8. What is one thing you really like about yourself?
I like that I am nice to everyone. Because of this feature of mine, I have a wide set of friends and acquaintances. Everybody is interesting and unique in their own way. You can learn and discover new things by being open minded to everyone and everything.

9. Would you rather live in the city or the country?
Well after being in Austin, Texas for a weekend, I am defintiely a country girl. I hate traffic and rude people. I like the peace and quiet of the country and the great Southern hospitality and use of manners!

10. What is your drink of choice?
Non alcoholic would be a white chocolate and caramel mocha from Starbucks. Alcoholic is UV coconut with pineapple juice.

My nominees!

My Questions

1. What is the sole purpose of your blog?
2. Which social network is your favorite?
3. Favorite TV show?
4. What is something unique about you that a lot of people may not know?
5. What is your occupation?
6. What is your favorite makeup product?
7. What is in your purse right now?
8. What is your favorite quote or motto?
9. If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?
10. What is your favorite post on your blog that you have done?

I am excited to read your answers and remember to pass along the award! :)
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